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 Guest Author

As a guest author, you bring your voice to a new large audience building your profile and credentials. In exchange for your contribution, you will enjoy exposure to the daily readers that visit this site, an opportunity to promote your own website, blog, Twitter, Facebook, and email newsletter opt-in. At the end of each guest post, we will include a short bio of who you are along with links to your blog and social network accounts.


We are ready to publish all kinds of technical articles.


Do not send any copyrighted articles, Only send articles that are written by you and are not published on any other websites. 

Submit Your Post

Is your submission ready?
Then send it in the format you are most comfortable with [ Text, Doc, Document, Zip, etc, or if you are unsure just paste it into the Email ] and I will get back to you. If you want anything additional in the article like title, images ...etc [ send me the images and instructions with documents ]. If you want more info on the process just reach out in the below email.  
Reach us-
  • admin@javaglobe.com
Send me the Articles with your short bio.